The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County protects natural resources, agricultural land and open spaces for the benefit of present and future generations.
See below for some upcoming unique and family friendly outdoor activities:
Arroyo Hondo Preserve Trail Crew Work Day – Mar. 15
Help keep trails accessible and beautiful. Come, bring your friends, join the crew for some healthy fun and help the Preserve as you work.
Franklin Trail Hike – Mar. 29
Hike the Franklin Trail with views of the Channel Islands. Join March 29 for an exclusive hike of some of the as yet unopened sections of the historic Franklin Trail.
Land Trust Members Meet & Greet – Apr. 3
Are you a new member? Join other like-minded people that are also new members for a meet and greet and to learn about new ways that YOU can continue making a difference.
History of Hot Springs with Hattie – Apr. 5
The Hot Springs Canyon hasn’t always been a public trail but it is now thanks to the Land Trust and the donations of many individuals. We will be joined by history buff Hattie Beresford and will learn tales of the spa, the springs and the sale.
Fabulous Fungi with Dr. Bob Cummings – Apr. 6
Spend the morning at Arroyo Hondo Preserve hunting for fungi with Dr. Bob Cummings, the foremost mushroom expert for our county.
Modoc Preserve is Turning 15! – Apr. 12
Fun for the whole family, this event will feature art, education, games, food and more! Free to attend but donations appreciated.