The Santa Barbara South County real estate market shows trends and recent sales data for the Santa Barbara & Surrounding areas. According to the average and median price trend data shown below, the overall average price range has stayed very consistent with very little movement since 2015; the median price levels shows a linear increase since 2013, with increases of about $50,000 per year. The average price in SB South County is approximately 1.4 million, while the median price is just under 1 million.
The graphic below shows all relevant real estate data for the month of July. There has been a total of 152 sales, 44 of those being condominiums. Since 2016 there has been a substantial increase in condo sales and a very slight decrease in home sales.
The Summer peak of sales has ended, with June having the highest number of total transactions- we have seen an approx. 25% drop in number of sales in the month of July. Based on the models from previous years, we should expect a slight to gradual decline in transactions over the next few months.
Follow the specific homes and condos sold in and around the Santa barbara area, with the cost of each home, and which were all cash sales.