In 1969, the devastating images of a massive oil spill from an oil platform off Santa Barbara’s coast galvanized California into action and caught the attention of the rest of the nation, including Senator Gaylord Nelson, founder of Earth Day, who visited Santa Barbara shortly after the spill. The resulting swell of concern gave rise… more
Americans Prefer Walkable Communities, Single Detached Homes
Choosing a community is one of the most important factors for consumers as they consider buying home. According to the National Association of Realtors’ 2013 Community Preference Survey, 60 percent of respondents favor a neighborhood with a mix of houses and stores and other businesses that are easy to walk to, rather than neighborhoods that require more… more
Santa Barbara Public Market to Open Mid-April 2014!
(Source: SB News-Press, March 30, 2014) By Steve Sinovic The Santa Barbara Public Market, part of the Alma del Pueblo development behind the Arlington Theatre, likely will open sometime in mid-April, according to a company spokeswoman and future vendors. “We’re shooting for mid-April, but it’s not a hard and fast date,” said Maureen Futtner, a… more
Take a hike! Unique, Family-Friendly Outdoor Activities.
Arroyo Hondo Preserve The Land Trust for Santa Barbara County protects natural resources, agricultural land and open spaces for the benefit of present and future generations. See below for some upcoming unique and family friendly outdoor activities: Arroyo Hondo Preserve Trail Crew Work Day – Mar. 15 Help keep trails accessible and beautiful. Come, bring your… more
What's Hot… And Cool: Geothermal Heating and Cooling
A recent Time Magazine article lists Geothermal Heating and Cooling as one of the top tens ways to help slow global warming. Taking note: Fashion Icon Diane von Furstenberg. She reinvigorated women’s fashion in the 1970s with the wrap dress. Can she do the same for a building? Her newest project is a 35,000-sq.-ft. office, showroom… more